Saskatchewan Multicultural Week

The Government of Saskatchewan, Multicultural Council of Saskatchewan (MCoS), and many municipalities celebrate Saskatchewan Multicultural Week from November 18-26 as an opportunity to recognize our diversity, the benefits of multiculturalism, and demonstrate the five streams of multicultural work that are at the basis of our ongoing efforts at creating communities where everyone feels a sense of belonging and is able to fully contribute.

This year’s theme – “Celebrate Community, Honour Diversity, Act for Equity” encourages us to share and celebrate stories of community, diversity and equity that enrich Saskatchewan communities.

The Saskatchewan Multiculturalism Act, recognizes the rights of every community to retain its identity, language and traditional arts and sciences for the mutual benefit of all citizens. MCoS further promotes the need to address racism and injustice, and to celebrate our diversity as collective strength in building welcoming and inclusive communities.

Learn more about the week’s activities on