Play your part in building our community

For over 50 years, Sask Lotteries has been the main fundraiser for more than 12,000 sport, culture and recreation groups in communities across Saskatchewan.

Sask Lotteries is a longstanding fundraiser that provides a real, honest chance at winning and a guarantee of supporting your community.

Proceeds from the sale of every lottery product purchased through Sask Lotteries positively impacts sport, culture and recreation groups across the province.

These groups support a wide range of activities and promote opportunities for people of all ages and abilities to play, create and grow.

Bringing sport, culture and recreation to life


Every year, there are approximately 1,200 organizations that receive direct funding support from the sale of Sask Lotteries, and through them the benefits spread even further. 


Proceeds from the sale of every lottery product purchased through Sask Lotteries benefit more than 12,000 sport, culture and recreation groups across the province.


Today, approximately 330,000 volunteers are the foundation of the lottery-funded sport, culture and recreation system. It’s through their contributions that we are able to make a difference.